My Mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning.
My Mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter AND I used to eat it raw sometimes, too.
Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in icepack coolers, but I can't remember getting e.coli.
Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then.
The term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system.
We all took gym, not PE... and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked's (only worn in gym) instead of having cross-training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors. I can't recall any injuries but they must have happened because they tell us how much safer we are now.
Flunking gym was not an option... even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym.
Speaking of school, we all said prayers and sang the national anthem, and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention. We must have had horribly damaged psyches.
What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything.
I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something before I was allowed to be proud of myself.
I just can't recall how bored we were without computers, Play Station, Nintendo, X-box or 270 digital TV cable stations.
Oh yeah... and where was the Benadryl and sterilization kit when I got that bee sting? I could have been killed!
We played 'king of the hill' on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites, and when we got hurt, Mom pulled out the 48-cent bottle of Mercurochrome (kids liked it better because it didn't sting like iodine did) and then we got our butt spanked. Now it's a trip to the emergency room, followed by a 10-day dose of a $49 bottle of antibiotics, and then Mom calls the attorney to sue the contractor for leaving a horribly vicious pile of gravel where it was such a threat.
We didn't act up at the neighbor's house either because if we did, we got our butt spanked there and then we got butt spanked again when we got home.
I recall Donny Reynolds from next door coming over and doing his tricks on the front stoop, just before he fell off. Little did his Mom know that she could have owned our house. Instead, she picked him up and swatted him for being such a goof. It was a neighborhood run amuck.
To top it off, not a single person I knew had ever been told that they were from a dysfunctional family.
How could we possibly have known that? We needed to get into group therapy and anger management classes? We were obviously so duped by so many societal ills, that we didn't even notice that the entire country wasn't taking Prozac!
And last, I can even remember when some types of Profiling would have been intrepreted as the "Law of Probability".
How did we ever survive?
As you can see, I am still busy writing for the website and not for posts. Check out the articles at GetawayCrafts article pages.
The Best To All,
C. Oxford
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Old Harold
I haven't had much time or inspiration to post lately but I received this in my email and couldn't help but smile. Hope that it one out from you also.
Subject: Old Harold
Harold is 95 years old and lives in a senior citizen home. Every night after dinner, He goes to a secluded garden behind the center to sit and ponder his accomplishments and long life.
One evening, Mildred, age 87, wanders into the garden. They begin to chat, and before they know it, several hours have passed. After a short lull in their conversation Harold turns to Mildred and asks, "Do you know what I miss most of all?
"She asks, "What?"
"SEX!" he replies.Mildred exclaims, "Why you old toot, you couldn't get it up if I held a gun to your head!"
"I know," Harold says, "but it would be nice if a woman could just hold it for a while."
"Well, I can oblige," says Mildred, who unzips his trousers, removes his manhood and proceeds to hold it.
Afterward, they agree to meet secretly each night in the garden where they would sit and talk and Mildred would hold Harold's manhood.
Then, one night, Harold didn't show up at their usual meeting place.
Alarmed, Mildred decided to find Harold and make sure he was O.K. She walked around the senior citizen home where she found him sitting by the pool with another female resident, Ethel, who was holding Harold's manhood.
Furious, Mildred yelled, "You two-timing creep! What does Ethel have that I don't have?
"Old Harold smiled happily and replied, "Parkinson's."
C. Oxford
Visit GetawayCrafts for your holiday crafting ideas.
Subject: Old Harold
Harold is 95 years old and lives in a senior citizen home. Every night after dinner, He goes to a secluded garden behind the center to sit and ponder his accomplishments and long life.
One evening, Mildred, age 87, wanders into the garden. They begin to chat, and before they know it, several hours have passed. After a short lull in their conversation Harold turns to Mildred and asks, "Do you know what I miss most of all?
"She asks, "What?"
"SEX!" he replies.Mildred exclaims, "Why you old toot, you couldn't get it up if I held a gun to your head!"
"I know," Harold says, "but it would be nice if a woman could just hold it for a while."
"Well, I can oblige," says Mildred, who unzips his trousers, removes his manhood and proceeds to hold it.
Afterward, they agree to meet secretly each night in the garden where they would sit and talk and Mildred would hold Harold's manhood.
Then, one night, Harold didn't show up at their usual meeting place.
Alarmed, Mildred decided to find Harold and make sure he was O.K. She walked around the senior citizen home where she found him sitting by the pool with another female resident, Ethel, who was holding Harold's manhood.
Furious, Mildred yelled, "You two-timing creep! What does Ethel have that I don't have?
"Old Harold smiled happily and replied, "Parkinson's."
C. Oxford
Visit GetawayCrafts for your holiday crafting ideas.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Redneck Heritage
After reading the comment about my last post from ChiefMommyOwl and her last post about the Dukes, I felt that I should make a few comments concerning my redneck Southern heritage of which I am proud of.
My family were Dukes of Hazzard fans and I was in love with Daisy Duke. The best looking legs and but on television at the time.
In my opinion, the issue of the Confederate Flag has been blow out of proportions and I will let it go at that.
Have you, for any reason, looked up the word redneck in Wikipedia?
With the exceptions of the muscle car, gun rack, "wifebeater" shirt, and pinch tobacco, they wrote my life. Redman, Chesterfields, Jack Daniels, Smirnoff, and Budweiser were my vices at the time. I drove a hot lime green Mustang fastback and a 56 Chevrolet pickup.
We were not unclean with bad teeth or prone to inbreeding as the outsiders implicated.
We came from a rural area and drove a car or truck until it was worn out.
We hunted for squirrels and rabbits in the winter evenings and fished in farm ponds in the summer.
I have plowed a tractor and even picked cotton.
Team or pickup baseball games was my life for a long time until I discovered what women were all about. Wearing the cap followed me for years.
Skynard, Marshall Tucker, and CDB was the music of the day, no rock except Southern Rock.
Clemson was the college of choice but it took me a whole year to figure out that Animal Husbandry didn't have anything to do with sheep. This is not the reason that I dropped out and went back later.
Yes, I'm from the South and from all indications a redneck. Boy it was fun back then. My hair is mostly grey now and long enough to cover up my red neck. A lot of great memories.
I love my heritage as much as anyone else. God bless the USA. ChiefMommy Owl, I know that you do to.
C. Oxford
My family were Dukes of Hazzard fans and I was in love with Daisy Duke. The best looking legs and but on television at the time.
In my opinion, the issue of the Confederate Flag has been blow out of proportions and I will let it go at that.
Have you, for any reason, looked up the word redneck in Wikipedia?
With the exceptions of the muscle car, gun rack, "wifebeater" shirt, and pinch tobacco, they wrote my life. Redman, Chesterfields, Jack Daniels, Smirnoff, and Budweiser were my vices at the time. I drove a hot lime green Mustang fastback and a 56 Chevrolet pickup.
We were not unclean with bad teeth or prone to inbreeding as the outsiders implicated.
We came from a rural area and drove a car or truck until it was worn out.
We hunted for squirrels and rabbits in the winter evenings and fished in farm ponds in the summer.
I have plowed a tractor and even picked cotton.
Team or pickup baseball games was my life for a long time until I discovered what women were all about. Wearing the cap followed me for years.
Skynard, Marshall Tucker, and CDB was the music of the day, no rock except Southern Rock.
Clemson was the college of choice but it took me a whole year to figure out that Animal Husbandry didn't have anything to do with sheep. This is not the reason that I dropped out and went back later.
Yes, I'm from the South and from all indications a redneck. Boy it was fun back then. My hair is mostly grey now and long enough to cover up my red neck. A lot of great memories.
I love my heritage as much as anyone else. God bless the USA. ChiefMommy Owl, I know that you do to.
C. Oxford
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
A Couple Short Thoughts
I can't really get motivated to write very much lately on the blogs because I have been spending a lot of time writing information for the website.
I did read an interesting article tonight at Yahoo. It was concerning the fact that so many NASCAR fans still fly the Confederate flag on race day.
This was referencing the Talladega, Alabama race.It more or less indicated the NASCAR is still full of "good old boys" from the South.
It spoke freely of CEO Brian France' dislike for the flag or maybe his dislike of loosing any possible incoming family riches.
I will not comment either way on this subject but I felt that the article was written in an interesting manner.
I do have one subject that I would like to comment on. This is the fact that if I come back to life as something or someone else, I want to come back as a game show host.
Have you ever watched Pat Sajak closely if he has a good looking woman on his show Jeopardy and she wins a round?
C. Oxford's Thoughts
Getaway Crafts
I did read an interesting article tonight at Yahoo. It was concerning the fact that so many NASCAR fans still fly the Confederate flag on race day.
This was referencing the Talladega, Alabama race.It more or less indicated the NASCAR is still full of "good old boys" from the South.
It spoke freely of CEO Brian France' dislike for the flag or maybe his dislike of loosing any possible incoming family riches.
I will not comment either way on this subject but I felt that the article was written in an interesting manner.
I do have one subject that I would like to comment on. This is the fact that if I come back to life as something or someone else, I want to come back as a game show host.
Have you ever watched Pat Sajak closely if he has a good looking woman on his show Jeopardy and she wins a round?
C. Oxford's Thoughts
Getaway Crafts
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Just Rambling, Again
I know that I haven't posted in a long time, but I'm back.
I just wrote a lot about my wife painting our kitchen and how much work that it was for me and how much of my time that it took up. HP was downloading updates and I lost the whole mess.
If they spent half as much time designing and making printers as they do on other updates, they could make a printer that was worth a **** .
I lived by myself for 8 years and didn't have to paint or move anything except to clean. My place was always neat and well arranged and clean. My philosophy is "if it aint broke, don't fix it". Women don't know about this philosophy. Believe it or not, I'm a neat freak.
I've also been trying to raise the Google rank of one of my websites by writing worthwhile articles and getting meaningful reciprocal links. I feel real positive about what I've accomplished so far.
We love to hear from all of our Cyber friends.
Please keep JBWritergirl and her father in your thoughts and prayers.
C. Oxford
I just wrote a lot about my wife painting our kitchen and how much work that it was for me and how much of my time that it took up. HP was downloading updates and I lost the whole mess.
If they spent half as much time designing and making printers as they do on other updates, they could make a printer that was worth a **** .
I lived by myself for 8 years and didn't have to paint or move anything except to clean. My place was always neat and well arranged and clean. My philosophy is "if it aint broke, don't fix it". Women don't know about this philosophy. Believe it or not, I'm a neat freak.
I've also been trying to raise the Google rank of one of my websites by writing worthwhile articles and getting meaningful reciprocal links. I feel real positive about what I've accomplished so far.
We love to hear from all of our Cyber friends.
Please keep JBWritergirl and her father in your thoughts and prayers.
C. Oxford
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Do any of you ever do any profiling while driving. This morning while driving on the interstate going to work, I realized that I do this most of the time. Sometimes this is a defense mechanism and sometimes it is used as entertainment.
I'm not speaking of racial profiling but mostly state tag profiling or car profiling. Have you ever looked at a tag on a car and know how the driver will react to certain situations?
Weve get a lot of comuters from South Carolina coming into North Carolina to work and I have most of them figured out. If they are running 55 mph in the fast lane, they are determined that you are not going to pass. They will either speed up to keep you from passing or they will not move over and let you by. Dont ever make the mistake of trying to pass them in the lane to the left of them. They will blow their car up before they let you get by. Its like a game with them.
Georgia drivers are used to driving on better roads than the SC drivers. They are usually "moving on" in the left lane and will still move over and let you pass if you so desire. Most Georgians are considerate drivers.
Another car to watch is the ones with NY state tags on them. They drive like they think that the Civil War is still going on. They want to drive reckless and fast. They drive like no one in the South at the time should be on the road besides them. Weve had so many move in and stay that the roads are over populated with them. You can tell if they have been down here any length of time and have bought a NC tag because they all have a I Luv NY sticker somewhere on their car.
Another driver that you can pretty well anticipate their actions are the cowboys driving the dual wheel pickups better know as doolies. Must be that Napoleon complex. They pretty much act like they are driving an 18 wheeler. The road is theirs. I have a lot of them flying by me in the mornings. They are about like the SC drivers. It is an insult for them to get passed. Watch out if they have a number 3 anywhere on their truck.
If you get behind a car running 80 one minute and 60 the next staying in the left lane the whole time, you have come upon a professional cell phone user. Be careful, their mind is wherever the call is coming from.
There is a lot more that I could mention, but I will stop with this for now.
Just having a little fun. Am I the only one that "traffic profiles"?
C. Oxford
I'm not speaking of racial profiling but mostly state tag profiling or car profiling. Have you ever looked at a tag on a car and know how the driver will react to certain situations?
Weve get a lot of comuters from South Carolina coming into North Carolina to work and I have most of them figured out. If they are running 55 mph in the fast lane, they are determined that you are not going to pass. They will either speed up to keep you from passing or they will not move over and let you by. Dont ever make the mistake of trying to pass them in the lane to the left of them. They will blow their car up before they let you get by. Its like a game with them.
Georgia drivers are used to driving on better roads than the SC drivers. They are usually "moving on" in the left lane and will still move over and let you pass if you so desire. Most Georgians are considerate drivers.
Another car to watch is the ones with NY state tags on them. They drive like they think that the Civil War is still going on. They want to drive reckless and fast. They drive like no one in the South at the time should be on the road besides them. Weve had so many move in and stay that the roads are over populated with them. You can tell if they have been down here any length of time and have bought a NC tag because they all have a I Luv NY sticker somewhere on their car.
Another driver that you can pretty well anticipate their actions are the cowboys driving the dual wheel pickups better know as doolies. Must be that Napoleon complex. They pretty much act like they are driving an 18 wheeler. The road is theirs. I have a lot of them flying by me in the mornings. They are about like the SC drivers. It is an insult for them to get passed. Watch out if they have a number 3 anywhere on their truck.
If you get behind a car running 80 one minute and 60 the next staying in the left lane the whole time, you have come upon a professional cell phone user. Be careful, their mind is wherever the call is coming from.
There is a lot more that I could mention, but I will stop with this for now.
Just having a little fun. Am I the only one that "traffic profiles"?
C. Oxford
Thursday, August 31, 2006
An Awakening Message
There was something that happened to me last Sunday morning that must have someway been by design because it really made an impression on me and has lasted this whole week.
With all thats going on around me, I haven't been in the best frame of mind recently and this was the case last weekend. When I got up to get ready to go to church on Sunday morning, my wife asked me to go to church with the grandchildren today since it was Family Day during the worship service and she didn't want them to be alone.
I reluctantly agreed since my wife plays the piano for the church that we attend and she feels that since she was given this talent that she should use it in the church. She will not take any monetary compensation for playing and very seldom misses any services. This is the main reason that we still attend this church.
The grandchildren do not go the the church that we attend because it is filled with what I call old fashioned people with old fashioned ideas. I'll talk about this at a later date in another posting.
They attend a Church of God with a lot of activities for all age groups and a very likeable and friendly congregation. This is a modern church with a very active group of people. You are really made to feel welcome.
After a very uplifting musical service and the pastor introduced the visitors and read his sermon text which was 1 Samuel 9:3-6.
The title of his sermon was Chasing Donkeys and dealt with the fact that some people were in certain ruts in their lives. These ruts could be in our worship habits, job, or some other facet of our life.
The gist of the message was that we set out with one purpose in life just like Saul who was looking for the lost donkeys and by doing this we miss so many other meaningful things, including happiness. He lived but was not happy or could not find satisfaction in what he was doing.
Have you ever been to church and felt that the pastor was talking directly to you?
This message made a huge impression on me and has been on my mind all week. I have actually felt a lot more relaxed since hearing this message and giving it some thought. I needed this message.
The comments and suggestions on my last post are greatly appreciated. I will try to write something concerning the guitars and music on some posts in the near future.
My uncle had one of the early L5s until he passed away 8 years ago. I don't know who got it when he passed.
Im through rambling for this time. Check out my music website. ReadingMusic101
The Best to All
C. Oxford
With all thats going on around me, I haven't been in the best frame of mind recently and this was the case last weekend. When I got up to get ready to go to church on Sunday morning, my wife asked me to go to church with the grandchildren today since it was Family Day during the worship service and she didn't want them to be alone.
I reluctantly agreed since my wife plays the piano for the church that we attend and she feels that since she was given this talent that she should use it in the church. She will not take any monetary compensation for playing and very seldom misses any services. This is the main reason that we still attend this church.
The grandchildren do not go the the church that we attend because it is filled with what I call old fashioned people with old fashioned ideas. I'll talk about this at a later date in another posting.
They attend a Church of God with a lot of activities for all age groups and a very likeable and friendly congregation. This is a modern church with a very active group of people. You are really made to feel welcome.
After a very uplifting musical service and the pastor introduced the visitors and read his sermon text which was 1 Samuel 9:3-6.
The title of his sermon was Chasing Donkeys and dealt with the fact that some people were in certain ruts in their lives. These ruts could be in our worship habits, job, or some other facet of our life.
The gist of the message was that we set out with one purpose in life just like Saul who was looking for the lost donkeys and by doing this we miss so many other meaningful things, including happiness. He lived but was not happy or could not find satisfaction in what he was doing.
Have you ever been to church and felt that the pastor was talking directly to you?
This message made a huge impression on me and has been on my mind all week. I have actually felt a lot more relaxed since hearing this message and giving it some thought. I needed this message.
The comments and suggestions on my last post are greatly appreciated. I will try to write something concerning the guitars and music on some posts in the near future.
My uncle had one of the early L5s until he passed away 8 years ago. I don't know who got it when he passed.
Im through rambling for this time. Check out my music website. ReadingMusic101
The Best to All
C. Oxford
Friday, August 25, 2006
Vacation Lag
I'm still trying to get back on track since vacation and have made some headway.
I've gotten several pages of content written for my website and still need to get 8 or 10 more before publishing this new menu item.
I need get 2 more guitars finished to show to waiting prospective buyers but always run short of time. We'll get it all sorted out eventually.
I read an interesting post on one of the blogs from The Bestest Blog that really hit home. In so many words, it stated that if you wrote about your life it would only be read by people who are interested in you. (boring)
Lately, this is what I have been doing. I've got to change directions, and am hunting subjects for post that would be interesting reading.
I need some ideas for creativity and this is what I am searching for.
I had several comments on my last post and appreciate all of them.
C. Oxford
I've gotten several pages of content written for my website and still need to get 8 or 10 more before publishing this new menu item.
I need get 2 more guitars finished to show to waiting prospective buyers but always run short of time. We'll get it all sorted out eventually.
I read an interesting post on one of the blogs from The Bestest Blog that really hit home. In so many words, it stated that if you wrote about your life it would only be read by people who are interested in you. (boring)
Lately, this is what I have been doing. I've got to change directions, and am hunting subjects for post that would be interesting reading.
I need some ideas for creativity and this is what I am searching for.
I had several comments on my last post and appreciate all of them.
C. Oxford
Sunday, August 20, 2006
We had a much needed time away from home and the daily routine. It had been over a year since we have taken any time off other than the weekends. These aren't really time off if you have children in the home.
The vacation started as a trip to Carolina Beach because my wife lived there some years ago and had memories of this being a wonderful place. To her suprise, it had changed a lot and offered very little for the children to occupy their time. It also offered very little in the way of acceptable rooms on the beach.
After four stops looking for accommodations (aint dictionaries wonderful) we decided to head for Myrtle Beach. It was getting late, so we stopped and got something to eat and drove south.
We finally found the Grand Strand and got great accommodations about 10 blocks above the Pavilion which will be defunct after this year.
Two landmarks at Myrtle Beach are on their out. This is the Pavilion and the Boardwalk. I was glad to hear that the Bowery will survive for at least another year.
I am not young and have some fond memories of all of these places. Progress cannot be denied whether we like it or not.
My wife seemed to be more concerned about the grandchildren having a vacation than anything else so I just did very little and enjoyed my time alone.
The time to myself was very different from my daily life so I captured the moment. I did a lot of reflecting on my life and what the future may hold. I looked at things that I need to concentrate on to make my life and others around me more positive.
I came up with some plans to try to offset the negative aspects of my life and how I will handle them.
My work in textiles is slow at this time and we live from day to day not knowing what will happen next. The company that I have worked for (19.9 years) is worldwide and the US segment is in the worst shape due to the customers moving across the waters. We are working on several good contracts and I hope that these will come through for us. This company has been good to me over the years.
I will quit rambling now and again, my vacation was great even though I didn't do anything exciting. As you get older, it takes less make you happy.
God Bless
C. Oxford
The vacation started as a trip to Carolina Beach because my wife lived there some years ago and had memories of this being a wonderful place. To her suprise, it had changed a lot and offered very little for the children to occupy their time. It also offered very little in the way of acceptable rooms on the beach.
After four stops looking for accommodations (aint dictionaries wonderful) we decided to head for Myrtle Beach. It was getting late, so we stopped and got something to eat and drove south.
We finally found the Grand Strand and got great accommodations about 10 blocks above the Pavilion which will be defunct after this year.
Two landmarks at Myrtle Beach are on their out. This is the Pavilion and the Boardwalk. I was glad to hear that the Bowery will survive for at least another year.
I am not young and have some fond memories of all of these places. Progress cannot be denied whether we like it or not.
My wife seemed to be more concerned about the grandchildren having a vacation than anything else so I just did very little and enjoyed my time alone.
The time to myself was very different from my daily life so I captured the moment. I did a lot of reflecting on my life and what the future may hold. I looked at things that I need to concentrate on to make my life and others around me more positive.
I came up with some plans to try to offset the negative aspects of my life and how I will handle them.
My work in textiles is slow at this time and we live from day to day not knowing what will happen next. The company that I have worked for (19.9 years) is worldwide and the US segment is in the worst shape due to the customers moving across the waters. We are working on several good contracts and I hope that these will come through for us. This company has been good to me over the years.
I will quit rambling now and again, my vacation was great even though I didn't do anything exciting. As you get older, it takes less make you happy.
God Bless
C. Oxford
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Plans For Life
While on the way to work one morning last week at 5:30 am, a song by Alan Jackson came on the radio and one line of it quickly got my attention and started me to thinking.
The line was: "Never had a plan, just livin' for the minute".
You know, I have felt that I always had a plan but for some reason everyone else in my life seems to change those plans.
I started off out of school and was going to "set the world on fire". Here I am in the last quarter of my life at the most and am still trying to accomplish a plan.
Plans do not seem to work in the "real world". I have been in love and married 3 times (for life). I'm not in bad shape, but I'm not where my plans had me at this time in my life.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming anyone else for my life but I,m just trying to say that the control of our life is minimul.
Do the best you can and try not to hurt anyone.
Does all of this make sense? I guess the poet Robert Burns said it best in Ode To A Mouse. "The best laid schemes of mice and men gang oft aglay"
(often go astray).
C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts
The line was: "Never had a plan, just livin' for the minute".
You know, I have felt that I always had a plan but for some reason everyone else in my life seems to change those plans.
I started off out of school and was going to "set the world on fire". Here I am in the last quarter of my life at the most and am still trying to accomplish a plan.
Plans do not seem to work in the "real world". I have been in love and married 3 times (for life). I'm not in bad shape, but I'm not where my plans had me at this time in my life.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming anyone else for my life but I,m just trying to say that the control of our life is minimul.
Do the best you can and try not to hurt anyone.
Does all of this make sense? I guess the poet Robert Burns said it best in Ode To A Mouse. "The best laid schemes of mice and men gang oft aglay"
(often go astray).
C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts
Monday, July 24, 2006
Just Rambling
For some reason, I haven't been very motivated lately. It must be the hot weather, grandchildren out of school, along with some other items that have been occupying a good portion of my small mind.
The father-in-law has been in the hospital again and my wife has been staying there most of the past week. He lost a leg last year due to poor circulation and is about loose the other one.
He fell off of the side of the bed during the night and broke what was left of the removed leg. The irony of the whole situation is that the man still has to go outside to smoke.
I am not trying to be disrespectful or kick anyone when they are down, but this is just one situation that I do not understand. He has been told for years that the smoking greatly damages his circulation and cuts down on the oxygen supply to his extremeties. For the life of me I don't know what he is thinking.
Change of pace:
On the subject of illegal immigration, some African American groups have joined the immigration debate. Part of the groups argue that the illegals steal job opportunities and advancements from the black Americans and others support the amnesty approach. (This comment is in realationship to my last 2 posts.)
On a more positive note, we had pot luck summer hot dog lunch at work on Friday and everyone brought a condiment, soft drink, or a side dish. I found a great recipe for crock pot barbecue beans (actually was more like chili beans with a very slight sweet taste). I modified it a little and got a lot of positive compliments. Great recipe if anyone is interested.
Let me remind everyone again about the great back to school specials being offered by HP.
Great deals on notebooks and desktops
Also, if you or anyone that you know is going to college and needs books, check out the links from the Resources page of my website. You can save a ton on both new and used college books.
C. Oxford
The father-in-law has been in the hospital again and my wife has been staying there most of the past week. He lost a leg last year due to poor circulation and is about loose the other one.
He fell off of the side of the bed during the night and broke what was left of the removed leg. The irony of the whole situation is that the man still has to go outside to smoke.
I am not trying to be disrespectful or kick anyone when they are down, but this is just one situation that I do not understand. He has been told for years that the smoking greatly damages his circulation and cuts down on the oxygen supply to his extremeties. For the life of me I don't know what he is thinking.
Change of pace:
On the subject of illegal immigration, some African American groups have joined the immigration debate. Part of the groups argue that the illegals steal job opportunities and advancements from the black Americans and others support the amnesty approach. (This comment is in realationship to my last 2 posts.)
On a more positive note, we had pot luck summer hot dog lunch at work on Friday and everyone brought a condiment, soft drink, or a side dish. I found a great recipe for crock pot barbecue beans (actually was more like chili beans with a very slight sweet taste). I modified it a little and got a lot of positive compliments. Great recipe if anyone is interested.
Let me remind everyone again about the great back to school specials being offered by HP.
Great deals on notebooks and desktops
Also, if you or anyone that you know is going to college and needs books, check out the links from the Resources page of my website. You can save a ton on both new and used college books.
C. Oxford
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Immigration Hearings etc.
The subject of illegal immigration has drawn more than 50 congressional hearings since the beginning of the 109th Congress in February of 2005.
With the prospects of even more hearings, six more already scheduled for this July, some are calling this a political maneuver to stall legislation to help the Republicans in the November elections.
Most Democrats and some few Republicans are calling the hearings politically motivated and are not necessarily called for the act of fact finding.
Some even say that the citizens of the US are being used as a "smoke screen" to cover up the real reason for holding so many hearings.
Some of the hearings supposedly have been schedule as a chance to hear from the citizen population.
Maybe by the end of the year we will understand what is really taking place.
Another subject: Sales Tax Holiday - NC
We just wanted to remind everyone here in North Carolina and in some others states that the Sales Tax Holiday will be coming up before long.
Certain items of tangible personal property sold between 12:01 AM on the first Friday in August and 11:59 PM the following Sunday will be exempt from sales taxes.
The dates in 2006 are from Friday August 4th through Sunday, August 6th.
Plan to take advantage of this once a year tax exemption. It can be a big help when you purchase your back to school items.
Also check out the great Back To School offers on Notebooks, desktops, and other computer equipment from HP:

C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts
With the prospects of even more hearings, six more already scheduled for this July, some are calling this a political maneuver to stall legislation to help the Republicans in the November elections.
Most Democrats and some few Republicans are calling the hearings politically motivated and are not necessarily called for the act of fact finding.
Some even say that the citizens of the US are being used as a "smoke screen" to cover up the real reason for holding so many hearings.
Some of the hearings supposedly have been schedule as a chance to hear from the citizen population.
Maybe by the end of the year we will understand what is really taking place.
Another subject: Sales Tax Holiday - NC
We just wanted to remind everyone here in North Carolina and in some others states that the Sales Tax Holiday will be coming up before long.
Certain items of tangible personal property sold between 12:01 AM on the first Friday in August and 11:59 PM the following Sunday will be exempt from sales taxes.
The dates in 2006 are from Friday August 4th through Sunday, August 6th.
Plan to take advantage of this once a year tax exemption. It can be a big help when you purchase your back to school items.
Also check out the great Back To School offers on Notebooks, desktops, and other computer equipment from HP:
C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts
Saturday, July 15, 2006
H.R. 4437
On Tuesday, July 18 a coalition of American Hispanics and Texas border sheriffs will emerge on Washington DC to meet for a news conference with several Republican Representatives to push for the passage of the immigration enforcement and border security legislation. H.R.4437
The American Hispanics have formed a group called YDSFM, You Don't Speak for Me, and are speaking up in favor of the new border legislation.
They are against the illegals and their supporters who will be in front of Congress and the Media on Wednesday, July 19 demanding amnesty for millions of immigration law violators.
The YDSFM and the Texas border sheriffs argue that the safety of the United States and especially those living near the border is compromised every day.
The border sheriffs unit was formed with 16 members due to failure of the federal government to secure the borders. These officers along with the YDSFM contend that there are crime gangs and drugs being introduced into this country on a daily basis and anyone trying to enforce the laws are under constant assault.
On Tuesday, the sheriff's 2 members, the group from YDSFM, and the Republican Representatives, will be urging for immediate ratification of
H.R. 4437.
It will be interesting to see what comes out of both the meeting on Tuesday, July 18, and the meeting on Wednesday, July 19.
C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts
The American Hispanics have formed a group called YDSFM, You Don't Speak for Me, and are speaking up in favor of the new border legislation.
They are against the illegals and their supporters who will be in front of Congress and the Media on Wednesday, July 19 demanding amnesty for millions of immigration law violators.
The YDSFM and the Texas border sheriffs argue that the safety of the United States and especially those living near the border is compromised every day.
The border sheriffs unit was formed with 16 members due to failure of the federal government to secure the borders. These officers along with the YDSFM contend that there are crime gangs and drugs being introduced into this country on a daily basis and anyone trying to enforce the laws are under constant assault.
On Tuesday, the sheriff's 2 members, the group from YDSFM, and the Republican Representatives, will be urging for immediate ratification of
H.R. 4437.
It will be interesting to see what comes out of both the meeting on Tuesday, July 18, and the meeting on Wednesday, July 19.
C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts
Thursday, July 13, 2006
What Is Democracy
There have been emails being circulated concerning illegal immigrants coming to America and why do we have to adapt to their ways and accept them with "open arms". It is evident that this is the "country of choice" for many people that were born in other countries and lived under different conditions. I do not blame anyone for wanting to live in this country.
Land of the free and home of the brave.
If these immigrants really consider the reasons that they wanted to come to America in the first place, they would not attempt to put it into the same condition of the country that they left. They should not protest or resent the fact that they should adapt to our way of life.
We are the Americans and this is our home.
To quote so many, "Love it or Leave it".
I realize that all of this has been said many times by so many different people but something happened today that really made a negative impression on me.
While making a phone call to an American Corporation pertaining to personal business the automated answering service came on and the first words out of it's mouth were, "please press 1 for English." For some reason, this made such of a negative impression on me that I almost hung up the phone. To me, this projects a very bad image on a company and does not make a very good "first" impression.
Corporate America and others, "we are in America and English is our native language". In my opinion, the appropriate greeting should have been an American greeting with no other options. It seems that most of the immigrants entering America have the pride and dignity to learn to speak English. Some few don't.
Is our culture and identity here in America becoming diluted? Over the years, many people have given their lives, hard work, and determination to make this country what it was a short time ago.
We need leaders at all levels of government that will stand up for the majority and not the minority as has happened so many times before. We dare not step on anyone's toes but the "quiet" majority.
Lets face it people. We supposedly live in a "Democracy".
Websters meaning of "democracy: government by the people; rule of the majority, etc."
The opinion of:
C. Oxford
Land of the free and home of the brave.
If these immigrants really consider the reasons that they wanted to come to America in the first place, they would not attempt to put it into the same condition of the country that they left. They should not protest or resent the fact that they should adapt to our way of life.
We are the Americans and this is our home.
To quote so many, "Love it or Leave it".
I realize that all of this has been said many times by so many different people but something happened today that really made a negative impression on me.
While making a phone call to an American Corporation pertaining to personal business the automated answering service came on and the first words out of it's mouth were, "please press 1 for English." For some reason, this made such of a negative impression on me that I almost hung up the phone. To me, this projects a very bad image on a company and does not make a very good "first" impression.
Corporate America and others, "we are in America and English is our native language". In my opinion, the appropriate greeting should have been an American greeting with no other options. It seems that most of the immigrants entering America have the pride and dignity to learn to speak English. Some few don't.
Is our culture and identity here in America becoming diluted? Over the years, many people have given their lives, hard work, and determination to make this country what it was a short time ago.
We need leaders at all levels of government that will stand up for the majority and not the minority as has happened so many times before. We dare not step on anyone's toes but the "quiet" majority.
Lets face it people. We supposedly live in a "Democracy".
Websters meaning of "democracy: government by the people; rule of the majority, etc."
The opinion of:
C. Oxford
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Working in Peace
It's so quiet around here that it's almost scary. The wife an (permanent resident) grandchildren went to Carowinds today to celebrate the 4th of July. You almost have to love masochism to do that.
Went to HT this morning and got some steaks and potatoes for later and settled down at the computer.
I've been trying for months to optimize one of my websites and build a sitemap for the SE's to spider. Got the page and links roughed out and published today. Still have some tweaking to do but got the first version published.
There is a really good ebook out by Dr. Andrew Williams on optimizing and building sitemaps. Check out his blog and save yourself some money it you plan to build or optimize a website for marketing anytime soon. Subscribe to his newsletter and get all of the free benefits.
We hope that all of your have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July holiday. Be careful, we love all of you.
Check out the rough draft of my new sitemap. All pages are only 2 clicks away from my homepage.
May all of you suceed in your endeavours.
C. Oxford
Went to HT this morning and got some steaks and potatoes for later and settled down at the computer.
I've been trying for months to optimize one of my websites and build a sitemap for the SE's to spider. Got the page and links roughed out and published today. Still have some tweaking to do but got the first version published.
There is a really good ebook out by Dr. Andrew Williams on optimizing and building sitemaps. Check out his blog and save yourself some money it you plan to build or optimize a website for marketing anytime soon. Subscribe to his newsletter and get all of the free benefits.
We hope that all of your have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July holiday. Be careful, we love all of you.
Check out the rough draft of my new sitemap. All pages are only 2 clicks away from my homepage.
May all of you suceed in your endeavours.
C. Oxford
Friday, June 30, 2006
Have A Safe Fourth Of July Holiday
May each and everyone of you stay safe and enjoy the "Fourth of July holiday. Any of you that are taking this week for vacation, may you have a wonderful yet very refreshing time away from whatever you are leaving.
Do not drink and drive!!!!!!
Just to mention something worthy of note. Gas has become more scarce again since the big travel time is at hand. These prices have increased about $.10/gallon in the last several weeks. Maybe they can use this extra money like they have in the past for more research and new innovations. Yea Right!
Google is in the news 2 times today.
They have launched their version of Ebay's PayPal. Google Checkout as it is called has been unveiled and is touted as a tool to make online commerce more convenient. Don't know about this.
Google is also supposed to be going to court today to defend it right to index and rank web pages in the manner that they currently do. They are being challenged by a website publisher for causing them to loose a high percentage of their profits by changing their rank or dropping them from the Google search engine.
The results of this one will be very interesting to see.
Personally, I think that Google has done a lot to help keep the internet as fair as it is presently.
Read more about this case and let us know what you think.
C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts
Do not drink and drive!!!!!!
Just to mention something worthy of note. Gas has become more scarce again since the big travel time is at hand. These prices have increased about $.10/gallon in the last several weeks. Maybe they can use this extra money like they have in the past for more research and new innovations. Yea Right!
Google is in the news 2 times today.
They have launched their version of Ebay's PayPal. Google Checkout as it is called has been unveiled and is touted as a tool to make online commerce more convenient. Don't know about this.
Google is also supposed to be going to court today to defend it right to index and rank web pages in the manner that they currently do. They are being challenged by a website publisher for causing them to loose a high percentage of their profits by changing their rank or dropping them from the Google search engine.
The results of this one will be very interesting to see.
Personally, I think that Google has done a lot to help keep the internet as fair as it is presently.
Read more about this case and let us know what you think.
C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
How To Barbecue Southeastern Style
I've been kinda slow posting on this personal blog lately and to be truthful have had a hard time staying focused on the tasks that I have to do. Since my last post about the "picnic for the autistic", I have tried to settle down and finish one project at a time.
I am presently trying to optimize one of my websites and add a meaningful Sitemap to it. The problem being, this is a slow process and I am still working on it. I have at most, stayed on this one project and not veered into another direction as I normally do.
My normal routine is to go in too many directions and get to many "irons in the fire" at one time. (If you in the younger generation don't know what this means, ask your parents or grandparents.)
Since I am getting older, I have also started carrying a small notebook with me and also keep one beside my computer to jot down any intelligent nonsense that I may think of that can be useful for a website niche or blog in the future. This also helps me stay focused by not having to change directions and forget my main objective.
While cooking barbecue for the picnic, it came to mind that when I first started cooking barbecue I had to search for days on the internet to find a workable recipe and cooking procedures that fit my needs.
Part of this was a "learn as you go" process that I have actually been using for about 3 years. I took excerpts from various sites and books.
I don't cook in competition but have used some of the barbecue commercially in a small restaurant and response from the customers was very positive. This information adapts to small portions and can be cooked on a small inexpensive barbecue grill as I have described in the article.
Maybe if you have the desire to try your hand at slow cooking barbecue (not grilling) and have been unable to find the complete procedure and recipe this post could possible be of assistance to you.
Check it out through this Barbecuing link and if you have any questions, please send me an email or write in the comments section of this blog. I will be glad to reply.
These are not the recommendations of any of the manufacturers or retailers named in this article but are only my opinion and what worked for me.
I am presently trying to optimize one of my websites and add a meaningful Sitemap to it. The problem being, this is a slow process and I am still working on it. I have at most, stayed on this one project and not veered into another direction as I normally do.
My normal routine is to go in too many directions and get to many "irons in the fire" at one time. (If you in the younger generation don't know what this means, ask your parents or grandparents.)
Since I am getting older, I have also started carrying a small notebook with me and also keep one beside my computer to jot down any intelligent nonsense that I may think of that can be useful for a website niche or blog in the future. This also helps me stay focused by not having to change directions and forget my main objective.
While cooking barbecue for the picnic, it came to mind that when I first started cooking barbecue I had to search for days on the internet to find a workable recipe and cooking procedures that fit my needs.
Part of this was a "learn as you go" process that I have actually been using for about 3 years. I took excerpts from various sites and books.
I don't cook in competition but have used some of the barbecue commercially in a small restaurant and response from the customers was very positive. This information adapts to small portions and can be cooked on a small inexpensive barbecue grill as I have described in the article.
Maybe if you have the desire to try your hand at slow cooking barbecue (not grilling) and have been unable to find the complete procedure and recipe this post could possible be of assistance to you.
Check it out through this Barbecuing link and if you have any questions, please send me an email or write in the comments section of this blog. I will be glad to reply.
These are not the recommendations of any of the manufacturers or retailers named in this article but are only my opinion and what worked for me.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Picnic for the Autistic of Gaston County
I have been fairly busy for the last couple of weeks and haven't posted anything. Aside for my regular job, I've been trying to help my wife get ready for the 20th Annual Picnic for The Autistic of Gaston County.
This has been an annual event for the county for the last 20 years and started out as a party for my wifes daughter with 7 people attending the first picnic.There were approximately 250 people attending this year including the autistic, families, teachers, care givers, and volunteers.
The picnic took place on Friday, June 2 and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. God blessed us with wonderful weather as he has for the last 20 years.
The town of Ranlo has furnished their park all of these years and take charge of setting up the tables and cleaning the area. A lot of organizations, churches, and individuals assisted with the finances and donated supplies, food, and toys.100% of all donations go for making the picnic possible.
My wife and I thank everyone for their assistance. We have already started making plans for next years picnic.
C. Oxford
Reading Music 101
This has been an annual event for the county for the last 20 years and started out as a party for my wifes daughter with 7 people attending the first picnic.There were approximately 250 people attending this year including the autistic, families, teachers, care givers, and volunteers.
The picnic took place on Friday, June 2 and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. God blessed us with wonderful weather as he has for the last 20 years.
The town of Ranlo has furnished their park all of these years and take charge of setting up the tables and cleaning the area. A lot of organizations, churches, and individuals assisted with the finances and donated supplies, food, and toys.100% of all donations go for making the picnic possible.
My wife and I thank everyone for their assistance. We have already started making plans for next years picnic.
C. Oxford
Reading Music 101
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Dixie Chicks Again !!!!!!!!!!!!
Just when I thought that the Dixie Chicks had laid all the controversies to rest and were leaving country music and Toby Keith alone up pops their mouthy little heads again.
I saw today where they are releasing a new album and to add fuel to a dyeing fire, they have to included another "make my point" song ("Not Ready to Make Nice") to add salt to a healing wound.
60 Minutes is also aiding in this resurrection of the "sleeping dog". Dont you just hate that.
I agree that everyone has a right to their own opinion and I do not agree with every thing that the president does but the strength of this country was not built without wars and fighting and people giving up their lives for their country. It will never stand if we do not stand up for our rights and fight the threats that arise.
Natalie Maimes did not have to keep pressing the issue to the point of being obscene to others and forcing her feelings upon everyone else.
A great portion of the people that have fought for this country are very proud to have done so.
I dont plan to watch this episode of 60 Minutes just to spare myself of having to listen to this mouth and I sure dont plan to ever buy anyting else that the Dixie Chicks release.
Just my opinion,
C. Oxford
Reading Music 101
I saw today where they are releasing a new album and to add fuel to a dyeing fire, they have to included another "make my point" song ("Not Ready to Make Nice") to add salt to a healing wound.
60 Minutes is also aiding in this resurrection of the "sleeping dog". Dont you just hate that.
I agree that everyone has a right to their own opinion and I do not agree with every thing that the president does but the strength of this country was not built without wars and fighting and people giving up their lives for their country. It will never stand if we do not stand up for our rights and fight the threats that arise.
Natalie Maimes did not have to keep pressing the issue to the point of being obscene to others and forcing her feelings upon everyone else.
A great portion of the people that have fought for this country are very proud to have done so.
I dont plan to watch this episode of 60 Minutes just to spare myself of having to listen to this mouth and I sure dont plan to ever buy anyting else that the Dixie Chicks release.
Just my opinion,
C. Oxford
Reading Music 101
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Gas Price Blog
I read a blog written by a business man in the computer industry and he was rationalizing why the oil companies were justified with charging these high prices for a gallon of gasoline. His rationale was that the oil companies were only getting 6% to 9% profits and this was not a high percent of profit.
The percent of profits may not be high but considering the amount of gasoline sold as a necessity and also considering how much support that the government gives the oil companies I don't belive that any of the oil companies will be filing bankruptcy any time soon.
The common persons budget can not afford to pay these soaring gasoline prices. The problem being even if everyone cuts their driving to the bare necessity the oil company profits do not suffer because they have increased the price high enough to compensate for the lack of gallon sales.
I would appreciate any comments or thoughts.
C. Oxford
The percent of profits may not be high but considering the amount of gasoline sold as a necessity and also considering how much support that the government gives the oil companies I don't belive that any of the oil companies will be filing bankruptcy any time soon.
The common persons budget can not afford to pay these soaring gasoline prices. The problem being even if everyone cuts their driving to the bare necessity the oil company profits do not suffer because they have increased the price high enough to compensate for the lack of gallon sales.
I would appreciate any comments or thoughts.
C. Oxford
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Google Adsense
I was reading a post about making $ millions from Google Adsense. This was in a blog and I don't know what the real reason behind the blog was unless it was to draw traffic in hopes of someone clicking on the Adsense adds.
I had several comment posts deleted and not published and am wondering why. If this is for true information, the posts that I made would help you set up sites to enhance your chances of getting clicks on your adsense adds.
If you would like more information on this blog post email me from my profile and I will answer you. Your Adsense will never flourish until you get the traffic and clicks to support it.
C. Oxford
Check out the Adsense sites here!
I had several comment posts deleted and not published and am wondering why. If this is for true information, the posts that I made would help you set up sites to enhance your chances of getting clicks on your adsense adds.
If you would like more information on this blog post email me from my profile and I will answer you. Your Adsense will never flourish until you get the traffic and clicks to support it.
C. Oxford
Check out the Adsense sites here!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The Reality of Internet Marketing
As I said before, I bought the plan and followed the directions a best I knew how. A lot of the pieces of the plan did not come together as was described or represented in the "book". This was approximately one year ago and I have learned a lot the hard way.
The technical part of the plan was the easy part. Getting traffic and search engine recognition is the most difficult part. Even following the best plans is still no guarantee that if your build it they will come. This is by far the point of the plans that is most misrepresented.
I have come upon a lot of free resources and information that has helped me as much as anything to get traffic.
I will not complain to much about the information that I purchased because it got me into someting that I enjoy and probably would not have tried if I knew how much was involved at making a success of internet marketing.
I am still working to be successful as I want to be and am still learning a lot day by day. I've met a lot of good people online that does not mind helping where they can. There is also a lot of good free information out here that can help you. Even though I have not seen many of them, they still feel like friends.
Even though I do not know a whole lot I hope that in some way I can help someone else on their road to success.
Always remember, no matter how successful you become, do not forget where you came from and that other people helped you.
C. Oxford
The technical part of the plan was the easy part. Getting traffic and search engine recognition is the most difficult part. Even following the best plans is still no guarantee that if your build it they will come. This is by far the point of the plans that is most misrepresented.
I have come upon a lot of free resources and information that has helped me as much as anything to get traffic.
I will not complain to much about the information that I purchased because it got me into someting that I enjoy and probably would not have tried if I knew how much was involved at making a success of internet marketing.
I am still working to be successful as I want to be and am still learning a lot day by day. I've met a lot of good people online that does not mind helping where they can. There is also a lot of good free information out here that can help you. Even though I have not seen many of them, they still feel like friends.
Even though I do not know a whole lot I hope that in some way I can help someone else on their road to success.
Always remember, no matter how successful you become, do not forget where you came from and that other people helped you.
C. Oxford
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Worst Etiquette of Marketing And Life
Since my last post was what I consider one of the "Don'ts" or "Bad Etiquettes" of Internet Marketng. This ranks even lower on my scale than a marketer that you buy something from and can't get in touch with.
I've seen this several times but never before as blatant as what I saw in one of the Affiliate Forums for a very large and very popular affiliate program.
A lady wrote in the forum asking a very simple but sincere question about how and where she could place links. The first respondant tried to be helpful and give some helpful information.
The second person?? to respond only used the space to show his stupidity by telling the lady that she didn't know enough about the business and shouldn't even try to be in it. He stated that she didn't know anything about html and would never suceed.
Oh how nice it must have been to be born with all of this knowledge. I'm very greatful that I haven't run into any of his kind during my learning process.
Enough said.
C. Oxford
I've seen this several times but never before as blatant as what I saw in one of the Affiliate Forums for a very large and very popular affiliate program.
A lady wrote in the forum asking a very simple but sincere question about how and where she could place links. The first respondant tried to be helpful and give some helpful information.
The second person?? to respond only used the space to show his stupidity by telling the lady that she didn't know enough about the business and shouldn't even try to be in it. He stated that she didn't know anything about html and would never suceed.
Oh how nice it must have been to be born with all of this knowledge. I'm very greatful that I haven't run into any of his kind during my learning process.
Enough said.
C. Oxford
Saturday, April 08, 2006
An Internet Marketing Taboo
I'm at my workplace dyeing some t-shirts for the childrens field day at school and had a few minutes to do something else. I checked some blogs that I vistit on a somewhat regular basic when I have time. While looking at some of the comments on one of these I came across two comments with the same wording but with different names represented. The commments had no connnection to the blog itself but to say that it was interesting. The one thing that it did have in very big letters was an advertisment for website templates and a link. It was very evident that the comment was put there for the one purpose of advertising.
Having been writing about getting into internet marketing I just wanted to throw these few comments in as a prime example of how "not" to get website traffic. I'm not sure that everyone feels as strongly about this blatant act of disrespect as I do but please do not stoop this low.
Just my thoughts on the subject,
C. Oxford
Having been writing about getting into internet marketing I just wanted to throw these few comments in as a prime example of how "not" to get website traffic. I'm not sure that everyone feels as strongly about this blatant act of disrespect as I do but please do not stoop this low.
Just my thoughts on the subject,
C. Oxford
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Internet Marketing The Reality
I did what I thought was a lot of homework by reading information written by different people. I asked a lot of questions from anyone that would return my emails. As I mentioned earlier, all of these plans were "sure fire" and you could not fail if you followed any of them as instructed.
I'm not that naive but I knew that some of the plans sounded more realistic than others. It's is amazing how the internet makes experts out of so many people. The plan that I chose to follow was not cheap but it did present more information from start to finish than most of the others. As most, this one was presented as the solution that made the author successful and gave him the ranking of "guru".
I followed the plan as closely as I could but not completely understanding every point. I purchased the recommended templates to make the job go more smoothly. As mentioned in one of the earlier posts, this was an area that was the most difficult for me to understand and the most difficult to get technical assistance from the template maker. The first time that I heard the word template, I had no idea how it worked and how it connected with all the parts.
Another area that a lot of the gurus and other marketers come up short in is the area of understanding people and newbies to the industry especially. They take for granted that by listening to them, you should know as much as they do. Some need a lesson in customer service and satisfaction. It seems that once they have sold their product, they could care less if you are successful or not.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that if you buy from someone who puts himself/herself on a pedistal and feels that their time is to important to communicated directly with you, run fast in the other direction. Believe me, your best interest is not a part of their thinking.
I'm running out of time tonight but if I can help anyone or answer any questions, please let me know. I'll continue later.
C. Oxford
I'm not that naive but I knew that some of the plans sounded more realistic than others. It's is amazing how the internet makes experts out of so many people. The plan that I chose to follow was not cheap but it did present more information from start to finish than most of the others. As most, this one was presented as the solution that made the author successful and gave him the ranking of "guru".
I followed the plan as closely as I could but not completely understanding every point. I purchased the recommended templates to make the job go more smoothly. As mentioned in one of the earlier posts, this was an area that was the most difficult for me to understand and the most difficult to get technical assistance from the template maker. The first time that I heard the word template, I had no idea how it worked and how it connected with all the parts.
Another area that a lot of the gurus and other marketers come up short in is the area of understanding people and newbies to the industry especially. They take for granted that by listening to them, you should know as much as they do. Some need a lesson in customer service and satisfaction. It seems that once they have sold their product, they could care less if you are successful or not.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that if you buy from someone who puts himself/herself on a pedistal and feels that their time is to important to communicated directly with you, run fast in the other direction. Believe me, your best interest is not a part of their thinking.
I'm running out of time tonight but if I can help anyone or answer any questions, please let me know. I'll continue later.
C. Oxford
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Internet Marketing - Off Track
I just wanted to get a little off track and remind you of the very present fact that all affiliate marketers and sellers of training courses, information, etc are all in the business for the same reason that drew you to it.
All of us are in this business for profits and a good living or extra income. The gurus are in it for the same reason with the exception that they have or supposedly have already made it. The fact is that they must continue to market to exist in the same fashion that they have become accustomed to.
Some make it and then seem to forget where they came from. They have forgotten their rags to riches story or their humble beginnings. I spent a considerable sum of money with one only to find out that his time was to important to answer questions himself. He made to much money lecturing to answer questions from people that ordered his information.
On my first website, I bought templates and accompanying installation package which I paid additional money for from a company only to find out that the owner had children and failed to reply to my emails because she was either on vacation or had to much family work to do. The questions that I asked may have been simple to her and did not require additonal help but to me they were very important since this was my first attempt at publishing a website and using html or Front Page.
The one piece of advice that I can give is to select information and programs from someone who is reachable by email or telephone and is willing to give you assistance when you need it. Do a lot of research and try to get in touch with these people before you spend your money. They may change after the sale, but you can usually tell if they are sincere. Even though they are trying to make money themselves, they will also try to help you. I will give some of my experiences with these people that I have found in my internet dealings.
The only problem is that "everything changes and so does Google". The people that published the programs on keyword stuffing will have to work to come up with new plans and update a lot of information since I hear that the rules have been changed.
My suggestion to you is to study the new rules before you sink a lot of money into a game that is playing by the old rules.
I know that most of you are aware a lot of this information but just wanted to remind you of some points that have come to me the hard way.
The Best
C. Oxford
All of us are in this business for profits and a good living or extra income. The gurus are in it for the same reason with the exception that they have or supposedly have already made it. The fact is that they must continue to market to exist in the same fashion that they have become accustomed to.
Some make it and then seem to forget where they came from. They have forgotten their rags to riches story or their humble beginnings. I spent a considerable sum of money with one only to find out that his time was to important to answer questions himself. He made to much money lecturing to answer questions from people that ordered his information.
On my first website, I bought templates and accompanying installation package which I paid additional money for from a company only to find out that the owner had children and failed to reply to my emails because she was either on vacation or had to much family work to do. The questions that I asked may have been simple to her and did not require additonal help but to me they were very important since this was my first attempt at publishing a website and using html or Front Page.
The one piece of advice that I can give is to select information and programs from someone who is reachable by email or telephone and is willing to give you assistance when you need it. Do a lot of research and try to get in touch with these people before you spend your money. They may change after the sale, but you can usually tell if they are sincere. Even though they are trying to make money themselves, they will also try to help you. I will give some of my experiences with these people that I have found in my internet dealings.
The only problem is that "everything changes and so does Google". The people that published the programs on keyword stuffing will have to work to come up with new plans and update a lot of information since I hear that the rules have been changed.
My suggestion to you is to study the new rules before you sink a lot of money into a game that is playing by the old rules.
I know that most of you are aware a lot of this information but just wanted to remind you of some points that have come to me the hard way.
The Best
C. Oxford
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Internet Marketing Continued
This is my second post about some of my personal experiences while getting into internet marketing.I am trying to give both good and bad points that may be helpful to someone else.
I subscribed to a lot of newsletters and read a lot of articles. Some of the newsletters were a farce and only wanted your email address to add to their mailing list or trade it away.
One subscription from a well know "guru?", over a 3 month period, consisted of 2 reference book ads with an explanation that he hadn't been able to write lately because his job on the internet had made it possible for him to take so much vacation. It seemed that talking about his vacation was an obsession. I don't think that he could believe that he was successful or he was using this as a selling point for his information. Needless to say, I cancelled this subscription immediately.
I also discovered that the best thing that you can do when you subscribe to newsletters is to start a free email account Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. just for this simple fact that you may start getting a lot of spam and junk mail and will not want to cancel your main mail account. All internet marketers may be created equal but just like anyone else, there not all honest and looking out for your wellbeing.
If your are planning to build a website for the purpose of affilliate marketing, decide what your main product is going to be and research different existing websites and check out the different approaches that each take. Read their articles and what information that they have provided. Always consider a website that sells a product or service that your you posess some about. This helps considerably when you start adding information or articles. If you write some of your own articles, you can post them in various article directories. You get credit for them and can add a link back to your site from them. These incoming links help your site ranking.
If your don't already have a Google tool bar you may want to consider downloading one for free and check the page ranks of various sites and compare their ranking to the information that they provide.
Thanks for reading this post and I will continue to post about this same subject in my next writing. Maybe I will bring up a point that you haven't thought of.
C. Oxford
I subscribed to a lot of newsletters and read a lot of articles. Some of the newsletters were a farce and only wanted your email address to add to their mailing list or trade it away.
One subscription from a well know "guru?", over a 3 month period, consisted of 2 reference book ads with an explanation that he hadn't been able to write lately because his job on the internet had made it possible for him to take so much vacation. It seemed that talking about his vacation was an obsession. I don't think that he could believe that he was successful or he was using this as a selling point for his information. Needless to say, I cancelled this subscription immediately.
I also discovered that the best thing that you can do when you subscribe to newsletters is to start a free email account Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. just for this simple fact that you may start getting a lot of spam and junk mail and will not want to cancel your main mail account. All internet marketers may be created equal but just like anyone else, there not all honest and looking out for your wellbeing.
If your are planning to build a website for the purpose of affilliate marketing, decide what your main product is going to be and research different existing websites and check out the different approaches that each take. Read their articles and what information that they have provided. Always consider a website that sells a product or service that your you posess some about. This helps considerably when you start adding information or articles. If you write some of your own articles, you can post them in various article directories. You get credit for them and can add a link back to your site from them. These incoming links help your site ranking.
If your don't already have a Google tool bar you may want to consider downloading one for free and check the page ranks of various sites and compare their ranking to the information that they provide.
Thanks for reading this post and I will continue to post about this same subject in my next writing. Maybe I will bring up a point that you haven't thought of.
C. Oxford
Thursday, March 30, 2006
The Reality of Internet Marketing
I have decided to write about my experiences of internet marketing in hopes that someone will find something in it that will be beneficial to them. I would also like for it to be interesting reading. In order to keep this from getting long and boring, I will break it down into several posts. This will also give me time to jot down some points of interest and information. I hope that someone will find this interesting and helpful.
The Reality of Internet Marketing
Sometimes you get to a point in your life when you have to start doing something differently. I came to that point when the textile industry took a huge turn primarily due to the change of governmental policies on foreign trade.This was the time in my life that I realized it was getting closer to my retirement but wasn't quiet yet.
This was also the time that I started looking into internet marketing. I knew just enough about the computer to search online for products and information and also use some of the office software for my job.
I searched the intros to a lot of marketing books and plans written by the "guru's" of the internet money making world. I read how each one of them had the key to success and had put it into print. I read how each went from rags to riches using the plan that they were selling. Each told how easy it was if you followed their plan of success.
I will continue to talk about this in my next post. Please feel free to leave comments or helpful information. The only thing that I request is that you don't spam or advertise.
C. Oxford
The Reality of Internet Marketing
Sometimes you get to a point in your life when you have to start doing something differently. I came to that point when the textile industry took a huge turn primarily due to the change of governmental policies on foreign trade.This was the time in my life that I realized it was getting closer to my retirement but wasn't quiet yet.
This was also the time that I started looking into internet marketing. I knew just enough about the computer to search online for products and information and also use some of the office software for my job.
I searched the intros to a lot of marketing books and plans written by the "guru's" of the internet money making world. I read how each one of them had the key to success and had put it into print. I read how each went from rags to riches using the plan that they were selling. Each told how easy it was if you followed their plan of success.
I will continue to talk about this in my next post. Please feel free to leave comments or helpful information. The only thing that I request is that you don't spam or advertise.
C. Oxford
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Making Excuses Again
I haven't posted a lot lately on my personal blog but still have been busy. I'm really excited about my affiliation with the program that I joined several months ago. It has been very helpful to me and my efforts in online marketing. Check out this site and the possibilities of its offers . Websites and Mini Websites. It's run by a real person that is reachable if you need her help.
Hope to get some time soon to do some personal writing. Check out some of the new endeavors through my profile page.
Thanks for stopping by,
C. Oxford
Hope to get some time soon to do some personal writing. Check out some of the new endeavors through my profile page.
Thanks for stopping by,
C. Oxford
Monday, February 27, 2006
New Website Online
It seems that I never have enough time or maybe I'm just not using it wisely. Whichever, I can't get everthing finished in a timely manner. I did get my new website online and have been busy writing articles and submitting to SE's. Come by and leave us your comments. We will be adding more articles and plan to start a newsletter on the different subjects. Any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
Stop by
C. Oxford
Stop by
C. Oxford
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Feeling Better
Had my knee surgery and am amazed at what can bed done with so little trouble. Came home from the hospital on the day of my surgery and didn't even use a crutch. Three little holes and I feel like I have a new knee. Amazing!!!
I have been working on my new website but have had some problems publishing to the web. I have been on the phone to my host a lot today but can't get the problem figured out. I will sleep on it and try again after church tomorrow.
I am still very much excited about the program that I joined advertising the Niche Websites. A Dreams Website was offered a few days ago and there are less than 30 out of 100 left.
If your ever wanted to get into Affiliate Marketing or publish a site to the web, you can't get a better start for so little money.
Gotta go now. I've got a 1973 Stratocaster to fix for someone that I have been putting off for several weeks. Just haven't been in the mood to do much of this lately. It's kinda like my playing, I take it by moods or spells. I have stopped doing this type of work several times because I do it on the side and when you take a job every one in no hurry until you get started and then they have a gig tomorrow.
God bless all of you!!
I have been working on my new website but have had some problems publishing to the web. I have been on the phone to my host a lot today but can't get the problem figured out. I will sleep on it and try again after church tomorrow.
I am still very much excited about the program that I joined advertising the Niche Websites. A Dreams Website was offered a few days ago and there are less than 30 out of 100 left.
If your ever wanted to get into Affiliate Marketing or publish a site to the web, you can't get a better start for so little money.
Gotta go now. I've got a 1973 Stratocaster to fix for someone that I have been putting off for several weeks. Just haven't been in the mood to do much of this lately. It's kinda like my playing, I take it by moods or spells. I have stopped doing this type of work several times because I do it on the side and when you take a job every one in no hurry until you get started and then they have a gig tomorrow.
God bless all of you!!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Working and Recuperating
I had some minor knee surgery yesterday but I can't complain because it gave me some extra time away from my regular job to work on my new niche website that I purchased from a lady that builds these and sells them at an unrealistic price. These are affiliate websites and the work that has to be done to them are minimul and consists of changing a few affiliate linking codes. You can easily add more artiles, information, and affilate links. If you are on online a lot, you owe it to yourself to check out these offers. You can have your own site online in very little time and add to it or change it while you are up and running. I have built websites from templates and it takes considerably more time and effort to get online. This is also the best way to get started and learn as you go.
Check these out under the heading: IMPORTANT NEWS: Ready Made Niche Websites
Success to all of you.
C. Oxford
Check these out under the heading: IMPORTANT NEWS: Ready Made Niche Websites
Success to all of you.
C. Oxford
Friday, January 27, 2006
Another Birthday
I've had several health problems lately and have visited several doctors and the hospital on a regular basis. Nothing life threatning but in addition to working on several websites I have had little free time lately. I wanted to post today even though I had nothing earth shattering to write about with the exception that I have made it to another birthday (1/27).
God Bless,
God Bless,
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Total Confusion (2)
Tried to call in the paperwork on the Medicare program for my father-in-law and was advised that at this time I needed to register online. Went to the appropriate website on Friday the 13th and filled out the paper work just as it was on the form in the pamphlet. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT. This I did and got an error message. Tried again and it acted as if it went through. Email verification in 24 hours. Saturday the 14th at 8:16pm. Still don't know if it went through. Will call later to verify. ?????????
God bless the government and technology.
C. Oxford
God bless the government and technology.
C. Oxford
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