Saturday, July 15, 2006

H.R. 4437

On Tuesday, July 18 a coalition of American Hispanics and Texas border sheriffs will emerge on Washington DC to meet for a news conference with several Republican Representatives to push for the passage of the immigration enforcement and border security legislation. H.R.4437

The American Hispanics have formed a group called YDSFM, You Don't Speak for Me, and are speaking up in favor of the new border legislation.

They are against the illegals and their supporters who will be in front of Congress and the Media on Wednesday, July 19 demanding amnesty for millions of immigration law violators.

The YDSFM and the Texas border sheriffs argue that the safety of the United States and especially those living near the border is compromised every day.

The border sheriffs unit was formed with 16 members due to failure of the federal government to secure the borders. These officers along with the YDSFM contend that there are crime gangs and drugs being introduced into this country on a daily basis and anyone trying to enforce the laws are under constant assault.

On Tuesday, the sheriff's 2 members, the group from YDSFM, and the Republican Representatives, will be urging for immediate ratification of
H.R. 4437.

It will be interesting to see what comes out of both the meeting on Tuesday, July 18, and the meeting on Wednesday, July 19.

C. Oxford
Getaway Crafts

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What Is Democracy

There have been emails being circulated concerning illegal immigrants coming to America and why do we have to adapt to their ways and accept them with "open arms". It is evident that this is the "country of choice" for many people that were born in other countries and lived under different conditions. I do not blame anyone for wanting to live in this country.

Land of the free and home of the brave.

If these immigrants really consider the reasons that they wanted to come to America in the first place, they would not attempt to put it into the same condition of the country that they left. They should not protest or resent the fact that they should adapt to our way of life.

We are the Americans and this is our home.

To quote so many, "Love it or Leave it".

I realize that all of this has been said many times by so many different people but something happened today that really made a negative impression on me.

While making a phone call to an American Corporation pertaining to personal business the automated answering service came on and the first words out of it's mouth were, "please press 1 for English." For some reason, this made such of a negative impression on me that I almost hung up the phone. To me, this projects a very bad image on a company and does not make a very good "first" impression.

Corporate America and others, "we are in America and English is our native language". In my opinion, the appropriate greeting should have been an American greeting with no other options. It seems that most of the immigrants entering America have the pride and dignity to learn to speak English. Some few don't.

Is our culture and identity here in America becoming diluted? Over the years, many people have given their lives, hard work, and determination to make this country what it was a short time ago.

We need leaders at all levels of government that will stand up for the majority and not the minority as has happened so many times before. We dare not step on anyone's toes but the "quiet" majority.

Lets face it people. We supposedly live in a "Democracy".

Websters meaning of "democracy: government by the people; rule of the majority, etc."

The opinion of:
C. Oxford