Friday, August 25, 2006

Vacation Lag

I'm still trying to get back on track since vacation and have made some headway.

I've gotten several pages of content written for my website and still need to get 8 or 10 more before publishing this new menu item.

I need get 2 more guitars finished to show to waiting prospective buyers but always run short of time. We'll get it all sorted out eventually.

I read an interesting post on one of the blogs from The Bestest Blog that really hit home. In so many words, it stated that if you wrote about your life it would only be read by people who are interested in you. (boring)

Lately, this is what I have been doing. I've got to change directions, and am hunting subjects for post that would be interesting reading.

I need some ideas for creativity and this is what I am searching for.

I had several comments on my last post and appreciate all of them.

C. Oxford

Sunday, August 20, 2006


We had a much needed time away from home and the daily routine. It had been over a year since we have taken any time off other than the weekends. These aren't really time off if you have children in the home.

The vacation started as a trip to Carolina Beach because my wife lived there some years ago and had memories of this being a wonderful place. To her suprise, it had changed a lot and offered very little for the children to occupy their time. It also offered very little in the way of acceptable rooms on the beach.

After four stops looking for accommodations (aint dictionaries wonderful) we decided to head for Myrtle Beach. It was getting late, so we stopped and got something to eat and drove south.

We finally found the Grand Strand and got great accommodations about 10 blocks above the Pavilion which will be defunct after this year.

Two landmarks at Myrtle Beach are on their out. This is the Pavilion and the Boardwalk. I was glad to hear that the Bowery will survive for at least another year.

I am not young and have some fond memories of all of these places. Progress cannot be denied whether we like it or not.

My wife seemed to be more concerned about the grandchildren having a vacation than anything else so I just did very little and enjoyed my time alone.

The time to myself was very different from my daily life so I captured the moment. I did a lot of reflecting on my life and what the future may hold. I looked at things that I need to concentrate on to make my life and others around me more positive.

I came up with some plans to try to offset the negative aspects of my life and how I will handle them.

My work in textiles is slow at this time and we live from day to day not knowing what will happen next. The company that I have worked for (19.9 years) is worldwide and the US segment is in the worst shape due to the customers moving across the waters. We are working on several good contracts and I hope that these will come through for us. This company has been good to me over the years.

I will quit rambling now and again, my vacation was great even though I didn't do anything exciting. As you get older, it takes less make you happy.

God Bless

C. Oxford