Friday, August 25, 2006

Vacation Lag

I'm still trying to get back on track since vacation and have made some headway.

I've gotten several pages of content written for my website and still need to get 8 or 10 more before publishing this new menu item.

I need get 2 more guitars finished to show to waiting prospective buyers but always run short of time. We'll get it all sorted out eventually.

I read an interesting post on one of the blogs from The Bestest Blog that really hit home. In so many words, it stated that if you wrote about your life it would only be read by people who are interested in you. (boring)

Lately, this is what I have been doing. I've got to change directions, and am hunting subjects for post that would be interesting reading.

I need some ideas for creativity and this is what I am searching for.

I had several comments on my last post and appreciate all of them.

C. Oxford


Anonymous said...

Hi there. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I think that if you write about what subjects interest you the most (how about guitars?), the writing will be interesting and you'll be sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. --Robin

jbwritergirl said...

Guitars? Well, now we know something about you that we didn't before.

My husband is a guitar player. You can see them on my site in the site bar where I am unabashadly promoting his two current records and his soon to be released third. His preference is the L5. Maybe this is something you should think about sharing with us because instruments such as these, especially when hand honed is truely an art.

In other words put you mouth where your money is! LOL

Just wait, it will come.