Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Reality of Internet Marketing

I have decided to write about my experiences of internet marketing in hopes that someone will find something in it that will be beneficial to them. I would also like for it to be interesting reading. In order to keep this from getting long and boring, I will break it down into several posts. This will also give me time to jot down some points of interest and information. I hope that someone will find this interesting and helpful.

The Reality of Internet Marketing
Sometimes you get to a point in your life when you have to start doing something differently. I came to that point when the textile industry took a huge turn primarily due to the change of governmental policies on foreign trade.This was the time in my life that I realized it was getting closer to my retirement but wasn't quiet yet.

This was also the time that I started looking into internet marketing. I knew just enough about the computer to search online for products and information and also use some of the office software for my job.

I searched the intros to a lot of marketing books and plans written by the "guru's" of the internet money making world. I read how each one of them had the key to success and had put it into print. I read how each went from rags to riches using the plan that they were selling. Each told how easy it was if you followed their plan of success.

I will continue to talk about this in my next post. Please feel free to leave comments or helpful information. The only thing that I request is that you don't spam or advertise.


C. Oxford

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